Swan Health


Ruth Wilson

Chartered Physiotherapist

Registered with HCPC, CSP & AACP

Physiotherapy, Sports Injury and Pain Relief


Coronavirus (Covid 19) Update

Government guidelines are continually changing regarding Covid19. Swan Health Physiotherapy has been monitoring these changes closely and following the advice and guidelines from the World Health Organisation and the UK government. Health and safety policies are updated as these changes occur with the main priority being the safety of patients, visitors and staff to the clinic.

What we have been doing

We are regulated by our professional body and there are inevitably some changes to the way we are working to keep you safe.

·         Screening/Telephone triage before initial appointment

·         Screening via online form attached to appointment reminder email

·         Screening of all staff and visitors on arrival to the clinic

·         Stringent cleaning protocol in between patients.

·         15-minute cleaning time between patients

·         Contactless payment methods

·         PPE worn by Physiotherapist in line with current recommendations

·         Access to alcohol-based hand sanitiser on entry and exit

·         I confirm that I will follow the government and professional guidelines

 Swan Health Physiotherapy will adapt in response to changes in the guidelines

What you can do

  • Keep up to date with the current guidelines for the Public to include

    • Social Distancing

    • Wearing a facemask

  • Payment by Bacs where possible.

  • Try to avoid bringing visitors where possible.

  • Wear loose/appropriate clothing for the assessment/treatment session

  • Use the hand sanitiser upon entry and exit.  

  • Please try to ensure you will not require to use the toilet facilities whilst at your treatment session.

  • Please under no circumstances attend your appointment if you or anyone in your household have any of the following symptoms.

    • Cough

    • Fever

    • Loss of taste or Smell

  • Please follow the latest government guidance if you experience symptoms or have been in contact with the virus. Follow the link for the most up to date guidance.


What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.

They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

The profession helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay in work while helping them remain independent for as long as possible.

Chartered Society of Physiotherapists 2019 


What do Physiotherapists Treat?


Musculoskeletal physiotherapy treats conditions such as muscle and ligament sprains, back pain, sciatica, whiplash associated disorders, neck pain, neck related headaches, trapped nerves, arthritis, soft tissue strains, bursitis, postural problems, sports injuries and ergonomic/work related injuries. Physiotherapists also include relevant rehabilitation following injury, trauma or surgery and can help in the management of long term conditions such as fibromyalgia.

How do we treat our patients?

  • Manual therapy, Soft tissue and Joint mobilisation techniques, Massage

  • Home Exercises - Stability, Strength, Stretching regimes tailored to the individual. Progressive load management. Progressive plyometric exercises for return to full function and sports performance.

  • Acupuncture

  • Taping for pain management, rehabilitation, and proprioception

  • Advice and Education 


Acupuncture is one of the many skills used within physiotherapy for the management of pain and inflammation. Acupuncture stimulates the bodys’ own healing chemicals, enhancing the repair mechanism and improving recovery time. This allows other physiotherapy treatments such as exercise, muscle strengthening and rehabilitation to achieve more effective results.

Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists 2019


What to expect at your appointment.


You will be asked questions about your problems to identify the cause and nature of your symptoms. Your movement will be assessed in relation to the symptoms you are presenting with and an explanation of your problem will be given along with a plan of action. The treatment plan will be discussed and agreed with you.

It is useful to bring shorts and a vest top for your assessment and treatment.

Polite notice

There is a 24 hour cancellation policy, full appointment charges may be incurred. Please make contact as soon as possible if you are unable to make your appointment.

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